Astro Mechanica is an engineering collective blurring the lines between air and space flight—rapidly advancing both.
The founder came to Astro to develop a brand that embodied his vision for the future of flight, far beyond where the technology stands today.
In my role I was responsible for collaborating with the creative team to ideate solutions for the brand mark, defining the brand language through mockups, developing their first SquareSpace site, crafting design presentations, and building the brand guidelines.
Role: Designer
Team: Brian Wood, Neha Hattangdi,
Enri Moreno, Emily Fairchild
Work done at Astro Studios
Work done at Astro Studios
The brand we created has an edgy and energetic style rooted in their daring tech innovation in the space flight industry. The type system along with space photography creates a futuristic feeling while still mainting a modern style that speaks to investors and dreamers alike.